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Bill Petrie
10 Really Good Reasons To Meditate
There are so many reasons why it’s helpful to meditate: 1. Meditation calms us! Modern life is stressful and meditation really helps to...
Bill Petrie
Acceptance: The First Step On The Road To Inner Peace
Most of us think that the cause of our suffering is outside of ourselves – our partners, our children, the government, the weather and so...
Bill Petrie
What is Spirit?
Whether we like it or not, Spirit is fundamentally a mystery. In fact, most of life is a mystery. Even within the bounds of conventional...
Bill Petrie
Letting Go!
One of the most common images in spiritual teaching is that of an open empty sky. It represents an awake, open mind through which...
Bill Petrie
What Makes You Happy? Exploring Pleasure and Flow
Numerous thought leaders ranging from Aristotle to the Dalai Lama agree that happiness is the main aim of life but what exactly is...
Bill Petrie
Finding Authentic Happiness
Each of us, in their own way, wants to be happy but we tend to search for that happiness in many unhelpful ways. We are taught, for...
Bill Petrie
Dealing With a Very Uncertain World!
On the way to school one morning, I asked my son how he really felt about the world's future and his reply was: "uncertain." His answer...
Bill Petrie
What Really Matters?
The question ‘What really matters?’ is a vital one. ‘What does really matter?’ ‘What does really matter to you?’ I have asked this...
Bill Petrie
After a Spiritual Awakening: Some of the Bumps along the Road
A Spiritual Awakening is an extraordinary experience – a deeply felt realization of who we most fundamentally are. For just a moment the...
Bill Petrie
Why is it Important to Take Good Care of Your Subtle Energy?
The state of your subtle energy affects every aspect of your being. Eastern and other cultures have accepted this for thousands of years...
Bill Petrie
Reduce Stress in Four Easy Steps!
Most of us are experiencing very unhealthy levels of stress and the health implications are enormous. Excess stress increases the risk of...
Bill Petrie
A Quick Way to Quieten Your Mind
There are so many ways to settle your mind - from meditation and mindfulness to rock-climbing and yoga. Here's a quick and surprisingly...
Bill Petrie
Don’t Fear Failure!
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." (Henry Ford) We all know that an alarmingly high...
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